The function sends a query plus an sf layer to PostGIS, saving the trouble of manually importing the layer and exporting the result

st_postgis(x, con, query, prefix = "temporary_nngeo_layer_")



Object of class sf


Connection to PostgreSQL database with PostGIS extension enabled. Can be created using function RPostgreSQL::dbConnect


SQL query, which may refer to layer x as x and to the geometry column of the x layer as geom (see examples)


Prefix for storage of temporarily layer in the database


Returned result from the database: an sf layer in case the result includes a geometry column, otherwise a data.frame


if (FALSE) {

# Database connection and 'sf' layer
source("~/Dropbox/postgis_159.R")  ## Creates connection object 'con'
x = towns

# Query 1: Buffer
query = "SELECT ST_Buffer(geom, 0.1, 'quad_segs=2') AS geom FROM x LIMIT 5;"
st_postgis(x, con, query)

# Query 2: Extrusion
query = "SELECT ST_Extrude(geom, 0, 0, 30) AS geom FROM x LIMIT 5;"
st_postgis(x, con, query)