This is a wrapper around scatterplot3js from package threejs. The function adjusts the x, y and z axes so that 1:1:1 proportion are kept and z=0 corresponds to ground level.

plotGrid(grid, color = c("grey", "red")[as.factor(grid$type)], size = 0.2, ...)



A three-dimensional SpatialPoints* object


Point color, either a single value or vector corresponding to the number of points. The default values draws "facade" and "roof" points in different colors, assuming these classes appear in a column named type, as returned by function surfaceGrid


Point radius, default is 0.1


Additional parameters passed to scatterplot3js


An htmlwidget object that is displayed using the object's show or print method. If you don't see your widget plot, try printing it with the print function. (Same as for threejs::scatterplot3js)


if (FALSE) { grid = surfaceGrid( obstacles = build, obstacles_height_field = "BLDG_HT", res = 1, offset = 0.01 ) plotGrid(grid) }