Ph.D Geography, Ben-Gurion Univeristy
Thesis title: Drought induced mortality of Pinus halepensis in planted forests, supervised by Prof. Tal Svoray and Prof. Avi Perevolotsky [Thesis]
M.Sc Life Sciences, Ben-Gurion University
Thesis title: Phenotypic variation and local adaptation in Oncocyclus irises of Israel, supervised by Dr. Sergei Volis and Dr. Yuval Sapir [Thesis]
B.Sc.Agr Plant Sciences in Agriculture, Hebrew University
Nature Conservation and Land Management program
R Data processing, statistical analysis, spatial analysis, visualization
Python Web scraping, writing ArcGIS scripts
ArcGIS, QGIS, Erdas Imagine GIS and Image Analysis
SQLite, MongoDB, MySQL Database design and managenment
Querying XML and HTML documents with XPath
Text processing with Regular Expressions
Inkscape Vector graphics editing
HTML and CSS Basic web development
Cailleret, M., Jansen, S., Robert, E. M., Desoto, L., [and 62 others, including Dorman, M.] (2016). A synthesis of radial growth patterns preceding tree mortality. Global Change Biology.
Waitz, Y., Cohen, Y., Dorman, M., Perevolotsky, A. 2015. From microsite selection to population spatial distribution: Pinus halepensis colonization in mediterranean-type ecosystems. Plant Ecology, 216:1311-1324 [PDF]
Volis, S., Zhang, Y., Dorman, M., Blecher, M. 2015. Iris atrofusca genetic and phenotypic variation, the role of habitat-specific selection in this variation structuring, and conservation implications using quasi in situ guidelines. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, in press [PDF]
Dorman, M., Perevolotsky, A., Sarris, D., Svoray, T. 2015. Amount vs. temporal pattern: On the importance of intra-annual climatic conditions on tree growth in a dry environment. Journal of Arid Environments, 118:65-68 [PDF]
Dorman, M., Svoray, T., Perevolotsky, A., Moshe, Y., Sarris, D. 2015. What determines tree mortality in dry environments? A multi-perspective approach. Ecological Applications, 25(4):1054-1071 [PDF]
Dorman, M., Perevolotsky, A., Sarris, D., Svoray, T. 2015. The effect of rainfall and competition intensity on forest response to drought: Lessons learned from a dry extreme. Oecologia, 177:1025-1038 [PDF]
Dorman, M., Svoray, T., Perevolotsky, A. 2013. Homogenization in forest performance across an environmental gradient – The interplay between rainfall and topographic aspect. Forest Ecology and Management, 310, 256-266 [PDF]
Dorman, M., Svoray, T., Perevolotsky, A., Sarris, D. 2013. Forest performance during two consecutive drought periods: Diverging long-term trends and short-term responses along a climatic gradient. Forest Ecology and Management, 310, 1-9 [PDF]
Volis, S., Dorman, M., Blecher, M., Sapir, Y., Burdeniy, L. 2011. Variation partitioning in canonical ordination reveals no effect of soil but an effect of co-occurring species on translocation success in Iris atrofusca. Journal of Applied Ecology, 48:265-273 [PDF]
Dorman, M., Melnikov, P., Sapir, Y., Volis, S. 2009. Factors affecting dormancy of Oncocyclus iris seeds. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 57(4):329-333 [PDF]
Dorman, M., Sapir, Y., Volis, S. 2009. Local adaptation in four Iris species tested in a common-garden experiment. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 98:267-277 [PDF]
Dorman, M., Shapira, I. 2015. Intermediate results of the long term monitoring program: A case study of geoographical region and proximity to settlements effects on mammal occupancy. 52nd Annual Convention of the Zoological Society of Israel, Mikhmoret, Israel (Poster)
Dorman, M., Shapira, I. 2015. Intermediate results of the long term monitoring program: A case study of geoographical region and proximity to settlements effects on mammal occupancy. 43rd Annual Convention of the Israeli Society of Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences, Jerusalem, Israel (Poster)
Dorman, M., Svoray, T., Perevolotsky, A., Moshe, Y., Sarris, D. 2014. What determines tree mortality in dry environments? A multi-perspective approach. 55th Conference of the Israeli Geographical Association, Haifa, Israel (Lecture)
Dorman, M., Svoray, T., Perevolotsky, A., Moshe, Y., Sarris, D. 2014. What determines tree mortality in dry environments? A multi-perspective approach. 42nd Annual Convention of the Israeli Society of Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences, Ramat-Gan, Israel (Lecture)
Dorman, M., Svoray, T., Perevolotsky, A. 2014. Scale and replication in observational work: Pinus halepensis mortality in planted forests. Israel Science Foundation Workshop: Replication Uncertainty in the Biological Sciences. Tel-Hai, Israel (Lecture)
Dorman, M., Perevolotsky, A., Sarris, D., Svoray, T. 2014. The effect of rainfall and competition intensity on forest response to drought: Lessons from a dry environment. Trees at the edge: the biology of growth limitation in trees (Basel-Israel Symposium). Rehovot, Israel (Lecture)
Dorman, M., Svoray, T., Perevolotsky, A., Cooper, A. 2013. Determinants of tree mortality spatial pattern in a planted forest from the semi-arid region. 41st Annual Convention of the Israeli Society of Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences, Rehovot, Israel (Lecture)
Dorman, M., Perevolotsky, A., Svoray, T., 2013. Forest performance during drought periods: diverging long-term trends and short-term responses to annual rainfall along a climatic gradient. INTECOL 2013, London, England (Poster)
Dorman, M., Perevolotsky, A., Svoray, T., 2013. Pinus halepensis forests response to drought: assessment using remote sensing. Land Development Administration Annual Conference, Bet-Dagan, Israel (Lecture)
Dorman, M., Perevolotsky, A., Svoray, T., 2012. Forest response to a sequence of drought events: Evaluation using remote sensing. 4th International Conference on Drylands, Deserts and Desertification, Sde-Boker, Israel (Lecture)
Dorman, M., Perevolotsky, A., Svoray, T., 2012. Forest response to a sequence of drought events: Evaluation using remote sensing. 40th Annual Convention of the Israeli Society of Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences, Tel-Aviv, Israel (Lecture)
Dorman, M., Perevolotsky, A., Svoray, T., 2012. Spatial interpolation of daily climatic data using geo-statistical methods in R. 3rd Remote Sensing Student Conference, Sde-Boker, Israel (Lecture)
Dorman, M., Perevolotsky, A., Svoray, T., 2012. Environmental effects on NDWI in Yatir forest during 2003-2011. France-Israel Remote Sensing Workshop, Sde-Boker, Israel (Lecture)
Dorman, M., Perevolotsky, A., Svoray, T., 2012. Evaluating drought stress changes in planted forests by means of remote sensing. Climate Change & Forest Fires in the Mediterranean Basin: Management & Risk Reduction, Nir-Etzyon, Israel (Lecture)
Dorman, M., Perevolotsky, A., Svoray, T., 2011. Environmental effects on NDWI in Yatir forest during 2003-2011. 52nd Conference of the Israeli Geographical Association, Tel-Aviv, Israel (Lecture)
Dorman, M., Perevolotsky, A., Svoray, T., 2011. Remote sensing of drought stress in Pinus halepensis planted forests for predicting mortality: A research strategy. 8th Conference on Active Research by Environmental Sciences Students (CARESS), Rehovot, Israel (Poster)
Dorman, M., Perevolotsky, A., Svoray, T., 2011. Remote sensing of drought stress in Pinus halepensis planted forests for predicting mortality: A research strategy. 4th International conference on Mediterranean Pines (MEDPINE), Avignon, France (Poster)
Dorman, M., Blecher, M., Burdeniy, L., Sapir, Y., Volis, S., 2010. Estimation of environmental effects on plants translocation success, using multivariate analysis. 38th Annual Convention of the Israeli Society of Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences, Beer-Sheva, Israel (Poster)
Dorman, M., Sapir, Y., Volis, S., 2009. Species boundaries and local adaptation in four Iris species from Israel. Evolution in Jerusalem: A Workshop in Celebration of Darwin’s The Origin of Species, Jerusalem, Israel (Poster)
Dorman, M., Sapir, Y., Volis, S., 2008. Species boundaries and local adaptation in four Iris species from Israel. 1st International Congress – Documenting, Analyzing and Managing Biodiversity in the Middle East, Aqaba, Jordan (Poster)
Dorman, M., Sapir, Y., Volis, S., 2008. What determines species distribution? An experiment with four Oncocyclus Iris species. 36th Annual Convention of the Israeli Society of Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences, Haifa, Israel (Lecture)